The reclamation & desludging costs can strongly vary with local conditions and with the type and size of the transformer.
Economical Goals: Table E6Method | Advantages | Draw-backs | Costs: € / kg oil |
Change of oil inventory NN < 0.1 |
ca 0.8 - 1.- |
Reclamation of oil inventory NN < 0.3 Short -term by-pass process |
0.5 - 0.8 .- |
Reclamation of oil inventory & desludging long -term by-pass process NN < 0.5 |
ca 0.8 - 1.- |
Reclamation of oil inventory & radical desludging long-term by-pass process NN > 0.5 |
ca 1 - 2.- |
* valid for an ca 40 MVA-transformer, 13 m3 oil, reclamation apparatus with oil throughflow min. 4 m3 / hour
Read next: 7. Saving/ cost relation by different replacement strategies